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2024 美國總統大選:相關知識你不能不知道

( / 照片來源自 Financial Times )

In the United States, the Presidential Election happens every four years. People vote for a president who will lead the country for the next four years. There are two main political parties in the U.S.: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Let’s learn more about these terms, some key candidates, and interesting differences between U.S. and Taiwanese elections!



Important Vocabulary:



  1. Democratic Party (民主黨): This party is often represented by the color blue and its symbol is a donkey. The Democratic Party is considered more liberal and focuses on policies like health care and education.


  2. Republican Party (共和黨): This party is symbolized by the color red and an elephant. It is more conservative, meaning it supports smaller government and lower taxes.


  3. Electoral College (選舉人團): This is a unique part of the U.S. election system. When people vote for president, they are actually voting for electors. These electors then choose the president. This system is different from Taiwan, where the president is chosen directly by the voters.


  4. Swing State (搖擺州): These are states where both parties have a good chance of winning. They are very important in deciding the election. For example, Florida and Ohio are famous swing states.


Fun Fact: How U.S. Elections Differ From Taiwan’s


In Taiwan, voters choose their president directly, and the one with the most votes wins. However, in the U.S., a candidate can win the most votes from the people but still lose the election because of the Electoral College system. This is a big difference between the two countries’ elections!


Election Campaigns:


Candidates from both the Democratic Party and Republican Party spend months traveling the country, giving speeches, and holding rallies to convince people to vote for them. Debates are also an important part of U.S. elections, where the candidates discuss important topics like the economy, health care, and international relations.


Key Candidates:



  1. Joe Biden (喬·拜登): Joe Biden is the current president of the United States and a member of the Democratic Party. He was elected in 2020, defeating the then-president, Donald Trump. Biden focuses on issues like climate change, healthcare, and rebuilding alliances with other countries.


  2. Donald Trump (唐納德·川普): Donald Trump was the 45th president of the United States and a member of the Republican Party. He was in office from 2017 to 2021. Trump is known for his “America First” policies, focusing on reducing immigration, lowering taxes, and negotiating trade deals. He ran for re-election in 2020 but lost to Joe Biden.


In summary, the U.S. election system has some unique parts like the Electoral College and swing states, which make it different from other countries like Taiwan. Understanding these terms and knowing the key candidates helps to better follow the exciting event that happens every four years!

Shang Chin
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