( 圖 / 照片來源自 https://technews.tw/2024/12/06/california-earthquake-state-of-emergency/)
Warm-up Questions
- Have you ever experienced an earthquake before? What was it like?
- How did you react when the earthquake happened?
- How can you prepare yourself to stay safe during an earthquake?
- Earthquake (n.) 地震 [ˈɜːrθ.kweɪk]
A sudden shaking of the ground caused by movements of the Earth's crust.
Example: The earthquake caused buildings to shake.
- Fault (n.) 斷層 [fɔːlt]
A crack in the Earth's surface where earthquakes often happen.
Example: The San Andreas Fault is famous for earthquakes.
- Magnitude (n.) 震級 [ˈmæɡ.nɪ.tjuːd]
The size or strength of an earthquake.
Example: The earthquake had a magnitude of 6.5.
- Shake (v.) 震動 [ʃeɪk]
To move quickly back and forth.
Example: The earthquake made the windows shake.
- Emergency (n.) 緊急狀況 [ɪˈmɜːr.dʒən.si]
A serious situation needing immediate help.
Example: People prepared for the emergency by storing water and food.
- Safety (n.) 安全 [ˈseɪf.ti]
The condition of being protected from danger.
Example: Safety drills can save lives during earthquakes.
A: Did you hear about the earthquake in California?
B: Yes, it was near the San Andreas Fault, right?
A: That’s correct. It had a magnitude of 7.0!
B: Wow, that’s strong! Were there safety measures in place?
A: Yes, emergency teams helped people.
B: It’s important to know what to do when the ground starts to shake.
Short Article
California is known for its frequent earthquakes because of the San Andreas Fault. Recently, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit the area, causing the ground to shake and creating an emergency situation. People followed safety rules like staying under sturdy furniture. Emergency teams worked quickly to help. Many Californians prepare for earthquakes with drills and supplies. Knowing what to do can save lives and reduce damage when an earthquake happens.
- Where do you feel safest in your home during an earthquake?
- What would you include in your emergency bag? Why?
- Do you think schools should teach more about earthquake safety? Why or why not?